Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mutt like me....

Well, here we go. Now that he is president, everything, Obama says with any racial undertones will be over examined and especially over reported. Every channel seemed to report much more about his remark about being a "mutt like me" than any other newsworthy pieces of his first address.

This is an interesting lil scoop on something I had brought up in class about the Obamas being the new Huxtables...this NYT article suggests a "Huxtable effect" which might be part of the reason why the have been Obamas embraced by Americans, possibly because many of the millions who watched the Cosby Show are now of voting age. Because of their exposure to the phenomenom that the show created, these people were completely comfortable electing a black president. The Obamas are accepted like the Cosbys, "an American family who happen to be African-American".

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