Monday, October 6, 2008

Fear Factor

It seems like fear still works. Palin decided to target Obama as chumming with "terrorists" and received plenty of boo's from the audience as she goes onto unfold his connection with ex-Weatherundergrounder Bill Ayers. It sounds like this article/Palin's speach could have been written during the Cold War. While her counterpart was asking his audience"WHo is the real Obama?" a member of the audience screamed "terrorist"... and although this article doesnt capitalize on the heckler, many others and the meme beats on....


KC said...

I totally agree with you. She's not really talking about issues. In that speech, she went so many different directions but mostly skirting important things. She played to the fear emotion with the terrorist comment and Albright's hell quote. I think a lot of extremists really respond to this tactic.

chysey said...

Fear tactics prove to work over and over again. But, what one thing can be said about the American people (as a whole), they will actively get to the truth of a statement. And I have been reading many articles in the past day about how Palin over exaggerated in her to attempt to paint Obama as a terrorist. But, the American people will not be duped! We really need to ensure that all candidates are being truthful!