Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Obama Mama goes green...I mean grass roots

To me these are the best examples...also one worst...of grass roots in the Obama campaign videos found on Youtube which seems to boast the best.
There are simple examples of how this grass roots fire burned throughout the U.S. from suburbia to urban(including a hiphop effort). Also a critque by Rush Limbaugh where he parallels the teachings of Hussein followers teaching their children to sing songs in homage to Saddam to children in California taught(by Hollywood movie-people) a tribute Obama, strange but true.(you have to listen to that one though)
It is plain to see that this plight was bigger than any other in American history.

Moving forward if Jindal is to hit the campaign trail in 2012 or 2016 he better pay close attention to all of these efforts that ended Obama's campaign in record breaking fundraising and phenomenal grass root support.

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