This was the first time in my life I have ever looked forward to watching a political event. Yes, there have been moments along this election that have sparked my interest but this debate was an anticipated part of my day. It seemed to be swirling in the air all day as I journeyed throughout my work day and then into the evening. I was nervous in a weird way for Obama, would McCain use his manipulative ways to shine him in a poor light? Would he just keep lying? I wanted to be able to fact check all of his claims.(interesting piece about Factchecker as being a propaganda arm for Obama)
As it unfolded it was clear to me who the real candidate was and who the disgruntled politician was. McCain made several insinuations to Obama's "naievete" which came across as condescending and unbecoming of a president but very becoming of an outdated politician. With each rebuttal from Obama, McCain had this devilish grin that he couldn't hide if he had tried. His reactions made me uncomfortable in my seat, was he lying(again and again) or not just sure how to respond to Obama? I read my take on this debate in Politico which basically says that Obama really stood out on the main issues discussed. That all of McCain's tricks didn't work. I think the best lines from Obama were in regards to McCain supporting the war when he repetitively said"You were Wrong!"
After spending most of the weekend in exile at the Trinity Library only to resurface for food and more coffee I was able to catch Obama on Face the Nation where again I was impressed by his swagger! especially after being up all night focused on the bailout situation. I noticed he looked a bit tired and "less black" then Friday night at the debate. His makeup was a bit heavy handed...on purpose or not I am not sure...until I do a little research I will postpone any other comments on the debate until I become better informed because who am I to be commenting on this important historical moment!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Purty stats page
Check this out for all the statistics across the U.S. even the states without a poll.
This is too funny...and the hits just keep on coming.I think I'll wait until tonight to come to any conclusions!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Just read...or do we read anymore? This article suggests a cognitive change which I have definitely experienced as of late, I am sure any college student can relate. To read Alexis DeToqueville's arduous text or surf exciting campaign choose! Anyways, this was a compelling argument that the shift is possibly not good when academics are saying they can no longer read novels they used to enjoy. I really don't have a choice, Alexis here I come!
Checked in on this blogger who has some interesting stuff!
Checked in on this blogger who has some interesting stuff!
Off with his head!!!
Recently I heard the discussion in class about the meme of McCain's temperament discussed. I heard it mentioned and just read a take on his reactionary actions in an oped piece in the WP.
just slightly, completely OUTRAGED!
Last night while watching one of favorite new shows,The Rachel Maddow Show, on MSNBC which follows my fave left wing McCain-basher Keith Olbermann, I was informed of some voting from McCain's illustrious past which had me disgusted, yet not surprised. He has followed in Bush's less then impressive footsteps but voting against SCHIP, HEADSTART and Equal Work/Equal Pay, as well as being against raising the minumum wage which he voted against 19 times! As you can only imagine his little female pinnochio follows suit on ALL these isses including the Equal Pay deal...are you kidding me? She also goes a bit further with Abortion issues, while McCain supports outlawing abortions except in cases of rape and incest, she wants abortions outlawed entirely. These issues above mentioned of course directly affect women, but how many women really know his voting record on these important issues????
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Need a laugh?

In such serious, troubling times our friends at jibjab have a great song and dance sure to cure you of the campaign blues! This is an interesting thought that we have not discussed, back in the old days cartooning was a way to express opinions with sarcasm and wit, it seems to be a dying art...unless its online...I think I will do some snooping...After extensive digging I was so surprised to see hardly any Palin toons...a ton of Hillary though. Here are a few.
Sarah!It is time for you to MAN UP!!!
Since Sarah seems to be consistently skirting the press...I think it is time for the press to make a call for action! She could be our president and McCain's camp doesn't trust anything unscripted or unrehearsed to a T to come from her lipsticked lips???This is also a very interesting article published today which discusses how single, divorced, widowed women comprise 26%of the vote.
Im a fan of anyone who is creative with there message...well that is as long as I agree with their position. Michael Moore will get your blood pumping thats for sure!Have a peek it is really good insight for the campaign now.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Race card
Reading an article on how McCain's new ad will use the race card prompted me to watch the commercial, here it is I see more of the Age card being played as well as a bit of bias going on considering the article is a Time article and they are big Obama supporters. I am sure by now we know Obama is black but the thing that caught my eye was how they intentionally showed two black men,one is Obama, and the only other person in ad is a very sad looking lil old if to say do you do rememeber he's black right? Subliminal messages will alway wreck havoc in our psyches...just glad I know how to spot unconscious racism! Recently found an interesting blog that poses some twists using race. One I have thought about was would a black man with 5 kids, including a prgnent teenager EVER be nominated as vice president of the U.S.????
Will Lehman Bros. be looking for a refund?
Found an interesting link in regards to $backers of the campaign....very interesting
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Spains in Latin America, ya know...
Wow! Just read a lil article about McCain's lil interview which entailed him uncovering a lil too much about how much he really doesn't know...but after asking my daughter where Spain is, it is plain to see, either McCain was smoking a lil something before this interview or he is a lil stupid!
In all seriousness I would like to think my president is SMARTER THEN A 5TH GRADER! in this case she's in 6th grade...oh yeah did I forget to mention that he also wants to just FIRE the SEC Chair to solve our $issues and get rid of the ol boys club when he gets into office. It makes me wonder what he considers himself?right now he is the president...of this club!!!!....goodness gracious good ol' johnyboy!
In all seriousness I would like to think my president is SMARTER THEN A 5TH GRADER! in this case she's in 6th grade...oh yeah did I forget to mention that he also wants to just FIRE the SEC Chair to solve our $issues and get rid of the ol boys club when he gets into office. It makes me wonder what he considers himself?right now he is the president...of this club!!!!....goodness gracious good ol' johnyboy!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
lies, truths and half truths
CNN had extensive details about the whole claims towards the lies being told by the McCain camp, Keeping them Honest discussed the misc. lies being told by the McCain crew. Even mentioning all the supposed trips to "foreign countries" which included a refuel in Ireland which she claimed to be a trip. It is going to get worse before it gets better...or are we seeing the worst right now? They also touched on the McCain interview on The View when he completely stretched the truth about her votes on earmarks...which is clearly NOT TRUE!!! The media is started to get angry so says one of the CNN analysts...good its about time!
Race, Age and Gender
Last night I watched CNN and caught some very interesting shows including one about Race, Age and Gender in the election which was right up my alley. With different panelists for different segments of the show it was quite informative and controversial. One panelist tried to convey she believed "gender was the new race" WHAT? no, no, no race is race and gender is gender and so can you be a racist and not a sexist? hmmmm I am thinking NO...anyways it seems like McCain has managed to pull a real fast one. It really seems like all they are talking about is this Naughty-Monkey- shoe-wearing-gun-slinging-bible-thumping-hot-chick! What happened to NoChildLeftBehind, violence in our schools and cities, healthcare...where oh where have the issues gone...where oh where could they be??? I watched Obama interviewed by that Fox (clear my throat) gentleman and all they talked about is the importance to keep the shield up in Poland and how many points he would spot him in a 1-on-1 bball game...are you kidding me Barack? Just read about how neither camp has touched on the taboo branded NCLB because of how poorly it has been implemented and tracked and frankly how crappy our kids still are performing. After listening to NPR earlier and listening to a man in Harlem who is leading a movement in inner city schools it is astounding what he lists as requirements for these schools...and they should get them. But it is sad to think what will happen to our education system if McCain comes into office...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Hurricane Sarah
Although I have not posted in a couple days I certainly have been following the media, how can you miss them? Just finished a couple articles on the WP. I am trying to be fair and read a couple from both camps. I just read a report on Palin's stint as mayor. Basically it sounds like she was voted into office, came through like a hurricane...or as she called it"cleaned up the good ol boys network"...disrupting many, many lives of these small town people-the supposed people she supports and comes from. She absolutely disgusts me. She is such a two-faced, hypocritical manipulative, maniacal madwoman.....deep breaths needed!
On the other hand I read that in response to the dire situation in TX that Obama's party cancelled their scheduled appearance for some may say "so what" but this shows the type of gracious respect our country needs in comparison to the brash, in your face disrespectful politicking game the McCain camp is running. As the months turn into weeks and then into days this battle is going to get more and more emotional for so many Americans, it is sure to divide us is very scarey to me
On the other hand I read that in response to the dire situation in TX that Obama's party cancelled their scheduled appearance for some may say "so what" but this shows the type of gracious respect our country needs in comparison to the brash, in your face disrespectful politicking game the McCain camp is running. As the months turn into weeks and then into days this battle is going to get more and more emotional for so many Americans, it is sure to divide us is very scarey to me
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
"HOT chick" trumps race
"Palin enjoyed more coverage as a VP candidate during the GOP convention than Obama did a week earlier when he became the first person of color to accept the nomination for president of a major party."So hot chickdoes trump 1st man of color!!! I am finding more and more information to really have an arsenal of agenda to aim at the "hot chick". This name alone makes my blood boil and I feel sorry for the 1st person I see wearing one...
I am enjoying the required reading and watching but unfortunately work keeps getting in my way...I have also quickly converted my eleven year old daughter into "a believer" also...caught her watching CNN without me in the room. But this is to no surprise considering her very 1st poem in her second week of school proudly displayed in the 6th grade hallway included mention of her "fears" one of them being "John McCain becoming president"!!!! Ding ding ding we have a winner ladies and gents! Gotta love her, like they say like mother, like daughter!
My goal tomorrow is to find more information on Obama instead of this sick obsession with the enemy. And yes, she feels like an enemy. She is threatening and intrusive like one at least! and scarier then most bad guys with guns in my opinion...she has the potential to have alot more power!!!!FIGHT THE POWERS THAT BE!!!!!
I am enjoying the required reading and watching but unfortunately work keeps getting in my way...I have also quickly converted my eleven year old daughter into "a believer" also...caught her watching CNN without me in the room. But this is to no surprise considering her very 1st poem in her second week of school proudly displayed in the 6th grade hallway included mention of her "fears" one of them being "John McCain becoming president"!!!! Ding ding ding we have a winner ladies and gents! Gotta love her, like they say like mother, like daughter!
My goal tomorrow is to find more information on Obama instead of this sick obsession with the enemy. And yes, she feels like an enemy. She is threatening and intrusive like one at least! and scarier then most bad guys with guns in my opinion...she has the potential to have alot more power!!!!FIGHT THE POWERS THAT BE!!!!!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
You can't be I obsessed already? I am supposed to be working but instead I have the t.v. running incessantly in the background(CNN) and I am creating my blog!! I am excited but fearful this will be an obsession similar to 99.9% of the population who check in on their Facebook and Myspace every other second!I have avoided being a blogger until now I guess its time to join the masses...
As far as the media is concerned I have one comment best put into words by the infamous words of Public Enemy...
I have my opinions and for now I am sticking to them...I will not be brainwashed by the media, nor will I let certain networks sway me to believe them. FOX as far as I am concerned, is the most racist, classist platform there is...but I am sure to be exposed to more supporters of the "hot chick"....
As far as what has shocked me today...commentary on the VMA's...hmmmm I am so glad there is freedom of speech or someone might be burning on the stake by now....Palin action figures...amazing. My plans are to try to watch as much of the interview of her tonight without having to jump of a cliff...until then....
As far as the media is concerned I have one comment best put into words by the infamous words of Public Enemy...
I have my opinions and for now I am sticking to them...I will not be brainwashed by the media, nor will I let certain networks sway me to believe them. FOX as far as I am concerned, is the most racist, classist platform there is...but I am sure to be exposed to more supporters of the "hot chick"....
As far as what has shocked me today...commentary on the VMA's...hmmmm I am so glad there is freedom of speech or someone might be burning on the stake by now....Palin action figures...amazing. My plans are to try to watch as much of the interview of her tonight without having to jump of a cliff...until then....
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