Tuesday, December 9, 2008
WOW! selling senate seats...who wudda thunk it
Gov Blagogevich has found himself in a world of trouble after being wiretapped. This investigation led to his arrest for allegedly trying to auction off the midterm Illinois senate seat after Obama's resignation from his seat. He was released today after posting bail! Wow, the government is starting to look worse then the NFL!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Jindal is bad!
After some email back and forth working on this collective project, one of the group members addressed the importance of monitoring and dismantling "bad" internet information/sites that would be detrimental to his campaign. Here is one that uses his "Bobby is good" meme and twists it.
Does Jindal have the appeal???
After reading this article from BBC about the success of Obama's grass roots campaign and why it was so successful, it raised a question for me. After reading all the details that made his campaign successful from the internet-based fund-raising to the dedicated follow up to the donors which ultimately led to Obama's troop having 4 times the campaign offices and more money then both 2004 contenders combined; there is one fundamental denominator in all of this. His name is Barack Obama. Whether you call him Barry or Barack Hussein Obama or a terrorist, he is a self made man who has become a phenomenon. So this is a round about way of asking, Does Jindal have that appeal to become a follow up to this phenomenon? He is certainly a tough act to follow. I am sure his strategists are already asking these questions. Does he have what it takes to wow his supporters? If not, all of this stradegy, foresight and planning all goes down the tube. I must again refer back to my interview with Roy Occiorosso who called Obama a phenomenon who might not be capable of ever duplicating. (I was thinking along the lines of a miracle. Something that just happens...it just happens that America really needed it!)
UPDATE: Lincoln Mitchell touches on just what I was getting to in this post. From a strategists' perspective, they've got a good mold for a Republican model. They've got the same racial, family and age backgrounds that certainly helped Obama to win, but doesn't it stop there? In fact Mitchell points to his ethnic background as the "only" reason why he would be nominated by GOP.
UPDATE: Lincoln Mitchell touches on just what I was getting to in this post. From a strategists' perspective, they've got a good mold for a Republican model. They've got the same racial, family and age backgrounds that certainly helped Obama to win, but doesn't it stop there? In fact Mitchell points to his ethnic background as the "only" reason why he would be nominated by GOP.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Tech crunch
Started looking for more interesting Jindal video posts and ended up finding a bunch more video sites then I never knew about and basically an article talking alot about technology and media. It talks about how Youtube has found itself having to degrade some of its quality and raising 11 million dollars to keep up with the demand from tubers.
UPDATE:browsing around I found some more interesting ways grass root efforts might be able to utilize web sites for videos like motionbox and jumpcut. On this jumpcut link it hooks you right up to the Obama area. Jindal better get going.
UPDATE:browsing around I found some more interesting ways grass root efforts might be able to utilize web sites for videos like motionbox and jumpcut. On this jumpcut link it hooks you right up to the Obama area. Jindal better get going.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The real Bill Ayers
It was refreshing to read what felt like unadulterated truth. This op-ed by the man accused of being one of Obama's skeletons, is just a man who has had many experiences and regrets which have made him the man he is today, a well educated, well respected man. The media tried to take that away. I just read a quote from Lincoln a minute ago that is apropos for this very man, " Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thin." I am glad to know the tree now. It is clear reminder to us who have been drowning in media buzz around this election for the last 2 years. To remember that we all hold individuals truths that are often distorted and manipulated by whomever. This is only exaggerated ridiculously when there is something to gain:power. Then, all bets are off. Truths are stretched, pulled and often completely glossed over to paint a different picture entirely.
Education is a good thing....right?
So now Obama's latest criticism is found in this WP article. It states that 22 out of his 35 apointees are from Ivy league schools, "generally share a more intellectual outlook then is often the norm in government. Well, maybe that's the problem. Shouldn't the people leading our country out of economic crisis and war be the best of the best? Speaking from the only perspective I know, my own, I am tremendously grateful for the quality of education Trinity College affords me and when driving by Yale I am impressed by its staure in our society not only for its historical signifigance but for the students that fill that school, they are among some of the smartest and most dedicated academics in the world and if thats now a bad thing...well I for one would like to be considered bad. Experience only gets you so far...and being an "average American" is well, average. The WP is throwing stones at the academia elite reminding us that some of the "worst people" have gone to Harvard and Yale...oh you mean like G.W.??? The article cites that the collection of academic elites could lead to complicated politics, maybe its time when hundreds of billions of dollars of tax payer dollars are at state that they are a little more comlicated, they might even work, imagine that. I reiterate what Roy Occhiorosso said to me the other day, he said Republicans need "new ideas not new candidates" and I agree but we have this new huge change right now and change hurts. For many all of this change is probably more then overwhelming but if the smart people are truly taking over, I for one, have no problems with it.
UPDATE:I just found a second article on NEWSER that warns of the same thing. The pre Vietnam cabinet of JFK.
UPDATE:I just found a second article on NEWSER that warns of the same thing. The pre Vietnam cabinet of JFK.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
CAUTION:annoiting frontrunners often can change at the blink of an eye
Today I spoke to a considerably biased political consultant, Roy Occhiogrosso about the 2012 campaign. Of course he is following Jindal-this is his job- and points out that although he gets it he cautions it and is not how sure it will last. Yes, his last political assignment was a democratic one after my interview it was glaringly obvious that he is enamored with Obama's election and believes the Republican party has quite an act to follow. Describing Obama as "transformational and inimitable" he impressed upon me that the GOP not only needs to find their own version of Obama but also to find new ideas. He cited that their fundamental principles even when perfectly implemented failed. He was very explicit about their failures in all areas from the economy to foreign policy. He said all they have done for years was "dust off old play books" and the play book doesn't work anymore. He urges new principles versus a new candidate.
There were a couple key points Ochhiogrosso made about campaign 2012:
There were a couple key points Ochhiogrosso made about campaign 2012:
- He cautions anointing frontrunners-hot quickly becomes not. This is due to our "hyperactive, constantly moving communication mediums".
- We assume the next election is going to be like our last one, especially in the wake of one
- We might not ever be able to replicate Election 2008- it was a phenomenon
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
If Jindal were smart and was serious about a run at Obama in 2012 he should start with a super analytical breakdown of all the different websites that one could access during his campaign. That would be a good start because by 2012 who knows how much farther technology will have taken us...This is a great article on the dedication of many of his supporters. This one shows the international grass roots efforts and stresses the importance of Obama's techno saavy team that was constanting hitting the internet to keep supporters updated and informed.
Obama Mama goes green...I mean grass roots
To me these are the best examples...also one worst...of grass roots in the Obama campaign videos found on Youtube which seems to boast the best.
There are simple examples of how this grass roots fire burned throughout the U.S. from suburbia to urban(including a hiphop effort). Also a critque by Rush Limbaugh where he parallels the teachings of Hussein followers teaching their children to sing songs in homage to Saddam to children in California taught(by Hollywood movie-people) a tribute Obama, strange but true.(you have to listen to that one though)
It is plain to see that this plight was bigger than any other in American history.
Moving forward if Jindal is to hit the campaign trail in 2012 or 2016 he better pay close attention to all of these efforts that ended Obama's campaign in record breaking fundraising and phenomenal grass root support.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Sarah's used to being runner -up
She just won't go away! Yes, I am referring to Mrs. Palin who spoke this a.m. in Georgia to show her support for Sen. Saxby Chambliss. Comically the woman who Palin lost Miss Alaska in 1984 to is the very woman singing the national anthem for Chambliss' opponent at a rally.
Already banners were flown with "Palin 2012" by the audience. She spoke about abortion, gun control and taxes, her usual suspects and urged the election of Rep. Chambliss to gain more Republican control. After her speech it is mentioned that many stayed to get her autograph and pictures, she still has got many supporters which she will continue to leverage in months to come, for sure!
Already banners were flown with "Palin 2012" by the audience. She spoke about abortion, gun control and taxes, her usual suspects and urged the election of Rep. Chambliss to gain more Republican control. After her speech it is mentioned that many stayed to get her autograph and pictures, she still has got many supporters which she will continue to leverage in months to come, for sure!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Jindal for President
It seems Jindal has a solid right wing platform to stand on.As Jindal already seems to be preparing himself for 2012. The media is certainly all over it and could certainly turn into a backburner political story just to keep the flames of election season burning.
Speaking of which, after watching our girl Sarah Palin this morning on Fox's On the Record with Greta, Palin talked of her staffers to her potential run in 2012. She said, "that she can't predict what's going to happen tomorrow never mind in 2012". So the viewer has to question if you don't know that you're planning on running then why do a 4 part series with a high profile cable news channel?
Friday, November 28, 2008
MIT buds
So who is this WOMAN that Obama has chosen to head his council of economic advisers? Politico has an unbiased look of Christina Romer, MIT grad, Berkley professor who will make "natural allies" with Lawrence Sumners. Sumners, who was also just appointed as an economic adviser, once was Romer's professor. This is not the only connection drawn, former chariman-Greg Mankiw, was best man in Romer's wedding! I am thinking these links are made for a reason.
She seems to be a perfect selection considering her dissertation was on the Great Depression. Although the LATimes doesn't indicate any kudos for Obama's selection, they do remind us that the nominations have to be confirmed by the Senate.
She seems to be a perfect selection considering her dissertation was on the Great Depression. Although the LATimes doesn't indicate any kudos for Obama's selection, they do remind us that the nominations have to be confirmed by the Senate.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
What next...
As we walk into the "unknown" I know that it makes Americans a little nervous to not have any historical comparisons to use in the election of the latest president. Some are comparing him to Clinton but Obama really is a brand new experience for America. A kind of coming of age for the American experiment.
Interesting article about a recent discussion between Cornell West and Tavis Smiley, the comments are worth reading as well. The comments have many mentions of things we have discussed in class about race.
Interesting article about a recent discussion between Cornell West and Tavis Smiley, the comments are worth reading as well. The comments have many mentions of things we have discussed in class about race.
Top 4....
This seems to be the top stories I have been seeing...
1.The big umbrella story is the appointment of cabinet which the media seems to think is taking too long...give him a break already...oh yeah that won't be happening!ever
2.The Clinton effect...will she or won't she, this op/ed piece definitely doesn't see it as a good idea
3.Lieberman...enough said, see blog below.
1.The big umbrella story is the appointment of cabinet which the media seems to think is taking too long...give him a break already...oh yeah that won't be happening!ever
2.The Clinton effect...will she or won't she, this op/ed piece definitely doesn't see it as a good idea
3.Lieberman...enough said, see blog below.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Sen. Lie...erman
So I subscribed to a Michael Moore film a little while back and now I get all of this damn liberal stuff.hahaha.But seriously, is Lieberman off his rocker. This off course is NOT a good example of media functioning at its most non-bias...
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Economy trumps race
This LA times oped shows some of the exit polls comparing Kerry results with Obama, saying that Obama should have done better in these areas because of his campaign but didn't most likely because he's black. Interesting comparison data...
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Mutt like me....
Well, here we go. Now that he is president, everything, Obama says with any racial undertones will be over examined and especially over reported. Every channel seemed to report much more about his remark about being a "mutt like me" than any other newsworthy pieces of his first address.
This is an interesting lil scoop on something I had brought up in class about the Obamas being the new Huxtables...this NYT article suggests a "Huxtable effect" which might be part of the reason why the have been Obamas embraced by Americans, possibly because many of the millions who watched the Cosby Show are now of voting age. Because of their exposure to the phenomenom that the show created, these people were completely comfortable electing a black president. The Obamas are accepted like the Cosbys, "an American family who happen to be African-American".
This is an interesting lil scoop on something I had brought up in class about the Obamas being the new Huxtables...this NYT article suggests a "Huxtable effect" which might be part of the reason why the have been Obamas embraced by Americans, possibly because many of the millions who watched the Cosby Show are now of voting age. Because of their exposure to the phenomenom that the show created, these people were completely comfortable electing a black president. The Obamas are accepted like the Cosbys, "an American family who happen to be African-American".
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Uncle Obama's Cabin???
Absolutely stunning Nader. He asks will Obama be Uncle Sam or Uncle Tom??? And this is FOX NEWS criticizing Nader!!! GO FOX!!!After just reading Uncle Tom's Cabin I am proud of this reporter to attack this b.s.!!!
The Racial effect that WASN'T
This comprehensive NYT article"For Pollsters, the Racial effect that Wasn't" goes into great detail discussing how race did/did not affect the actual outcome. There are some interesting commentary on race is seen through both Obama supporters and McCain supporters.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
This is scary!!!!
This will work in well for next week's discussion on race. One woman says I am afraid that "him and his wife" might be anti-white!!!???? Geeeez and what are you? Oh and did you know Obama thinks white people are trash????just an f.y.i.Now, this seems to be one of those stories unreported...acute racism in the heartland!
Voting is a priveledge
This video reminded me of exactly why I felt so emotional today as I voted. To think not long ago many in our country could note vote...is still amazing to me. For the first time I felt like an American, and I have voted before. There was something different in the air today, it felt like christmas all day. And now we are hours from Obama's victory. I hope to hear all the stories of all the Americans' whose lives have been affected by this man being elected into office.It is truly a historical day, that I will never forget.
By any means necessary
It seems that the GOP is having problems with the way things are going here...imagine that they're crying voter fraud...being reported by only a couple small venues probably because the Big boys are paying all attention the the REAL outcomes...Even famous people are being shut down, Tim Robbins was stuck at his polling site that he's been voting at since 1997.You can read the whole story for yourself, but just goes to show that this system aint perfect and what about all of us average joe's (pun intended) if we were left off their lists...
Monday, November 3, 2008
Biased media?
I am too liberal to even spot bias. So I put on my conservative glasses and have begun my snoop. First up, a liberal article accusing Stephen Hayes(frequent guest on CNN)as having, basically nothing good to say about something very important-terrorism. I am sensing a bit-o-bias here...funny because CNN just announced him joining their team!Here's an article showing racist...I mean racial bias, I think. Imagine that its a FOX article! I am supposing no WHITE governors have done this...and if they have the article wouldn't be headlined "White governor extends poll hours". I like to call it like I see it-FOX are just a bunch-o-racists hiding behind bias.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Blogging about bloggers
I cant seem to get back on track and this can be blamed on my AMST jr.seminar class and the FLU...but I digress......
After watching a JFK ad on Caroline's blog I am reminded just how different it was for my parents growing up...and truly how amazing this election is! We've come a long way baby.
But I have to be honest, this week I am coming off my second break from blogging and am just now getting back on track by CHEATING!!! I am basically viewing ads from everyone's blogs. I know, I know shame on me! I have seen my share of ads but since I can't seem to learn the technique of embedding, I figured I would start by watching others picks which expose all of McCain's "honest" campaign strategies.
After watching a JFK ad on Caroline's blog I am reminded just how different it was for my parents growing up...and truly how amazing this election is! We've come a long way baby.
But I have to be honest, this week I am coming off my second break from blogging and am just now getting back on track by CHEATING!!! I am basically viewing ads from everyone's blogs. I know, I know shame on me! I have seen my share of ads but since I can't seem to learn the technique of embedding, I figured I would start by watching others picks which expose all of McCain's "honest" campaign strategies.
Monday, October 20, 2008
So many polls so little time...
This article on how polls are driving journalists into a frenzy is so geeked up on links it had be linking like a pro! Check it out! This WP guy talks about everything from the bias of the media to the landslide democratic with warnings in between about the dangers of giving too much credit to polls ie. Obama's loss in New Hampshire during the primaries to Clinton....but this is the BIGTIME...Clinton who?
Silly little poll on whether or not it would hurt Palin to go on SNL overwhelmingly showed it would hurt her...but imagine that she did anyways....and it was genius but I do give props to whoever it was that showed the Kimmel with Wahlberg because I was a little lost and way more interested in in him then in Sarah!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Double standards
While googling for some humor I came across something a bit more interesting and wanted to post on it. It is the double standard surrounding McCain's association with G.Gordon Liddy compared to the Obama/Ayers connection. Of course McCain's sounds more more incriminating.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
WARNING:FELON?PARKING TICKETS ???dont show up to vote
This is a story that I have been looking for and haven't heard too much about:Voter suppression propaganda. I had heard this "rumor" that I just did not want to believe because the messenger said it was the democrats warning "its" people...well needless to say I knew "this" messenger was wrong but couldn't find the evidence until now. NPR reports about an anonymous flier that has showed up to warn that if you have outstanding warrants, tickets and felons you should either clear them up before voting or don't vote! The poster is written in a letter format and seems to originate possibly from the Obama campaign, mainly by mentioning an Obama rally the author of the letter attended. This is scary propaganda to me and a reflection of just how ugly this race is going to get.
Obama and fraud...say it ain't so...
Found this article on NYT involving fraudulent voting registration and .....drum roll please...Barack Obama!!!
Palins and AIP
CNN is reporting on a pretty interesting connection with the Palins and the Alaska Independence Party. I am presently watching a program which is reporting breaking allegations that they are and have been connected with this fringe group. They include a video of Palin speaking to the party, she wished them luck and her blessings. It is also repsorted that she went to the 2006 convention. Wow! CNN is going out on a limb here, in fact the McCain campaign asked them NOT to run the story, calling it part of the media's smear campaign.hmmmm sounds like the pot calling the kettle black to me.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
...not sorry to think it about Mr. McCain because John seems way too "good ol boy" for me, in fact he scares me. So I would love to know what "supremacist groups McCain has been associated with...any in AZ were he was behind not passing MLK as a holiday for years and this seems to be the tip of the iceburg...if I find anything I will post...but this little nugget is an interesting comparison.
Race in the Race
I heard some very interesting perspectives that a show on CNN hosted by Campbell Brown called Race in Race, last night proposed. With 4 panelists, including a black (Republican) woman and a black man(Roland Martin), they discussed racism in this campaign. They discussed a book Political Brain that discusses how racism is most accurately found in the subconscious which ultimately will affect how voters perform. They talked about the difference between "gut level" polling results with the actual physical action of voting, determining that polling vs. the vote are 2 different things. ( Martin did mention twice that blacks in the past 3 presidential elections predominantly voted democrat).
The concept of racial identity was touched on and how Obama has talked about why he refers to himself as African-American and not specifically bi-racial. In an earlier interview he explained African American refers to a hybrid of African. He explains race has been a tool used against him and for him. An article by James Burnett talks about "Obama is White" by discussing, from a black perspective, how if he's black, then's he's white also...he argues he should be referred to as bi-racial.
The tool of race bating is also discussed and how the McCain campaign is "fostering an atmosphere of racial hostility". They intentionally use Obama's middle name"Hussein" to use fear that he's a terrorist in disguise. Martin argues that Palin's deliberate use of "hockey mom and joe 6-pack" is not talking to a black audience but the white population. This is where the republican began to come out of the black panelist because she argued that she felt like that is just a way of continuing to pigeon hole blacks and that she felt included in this audience. She talked about the necessity for this election and beyond Nov.2 to raise the relevance of race discusssions, specifically because of all the issues that this campaign has brought up.
There was hopeful discussion that the concept of change could really be internalized and that Obama is really the man who can do it.
The concept of racial identity was touched on and how Obama has talked about why he refers to himself as African-American and not specifically bi-racial. In an earlier interview he explained African American refers to a hybrid of African. He explains race has been a tool used against him and for him. An article by James Burnett talks about "Obama is White" by discussing, from a black perspective, how if he's black, then's he's white also...he argues he should be referred to as bi-racial.
The tool of race bating is also discussed and how the McCain campaign is "fostering an atmosphere of racial hostility". They intentionally use Obama's middle name"Hussein" to use fear that he's a terrorist in disguise. Martin argues that Palin's deliberate use of "hockey mom and joe 6-pack" is not talking to a black audience but the white population. This is where the republican began to come out of the black panelist because she argued that she felt like that is just a way of continuing to pigeon hole blacks and that she felt included in this audience. She talked about the necessity for this election and beyond Nov.2 to raise the relevance of race discusssions, specifically because of all the issues that this campaign has brought up.
There was hopeful discussion that the concept of change could really be internalized and that Obama is really the man who can do it.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Fear Factor
It seems like fear still works. Palin decided to target Obama as chumming with "terrorists" and received plenty of boo's from the audience as she goes onto unfold his connection with ex-Weatherundergrounder Bill Ayers. It sounds like this article/Palin's speach could have been written during the Cold War. While her counterpart was asking his audience"WHo is the real Obama?" a member of the audience screamed "terrorist"... and although this article doesnt capitalize on the heckler, many others did....wow and the meme beats on....
Thursday, October 2, 2008
ONE MONTH and counting....
Well I took a little hiatus from blogging due to technical issues...but I'm back! Just in time to watch and comment on the debate this evening.YEAH...can't wait to see Palin make it WORSER!!!!yes, worser! Just when you thought it couldn't get worse then her stroll with Katie the other night...ohhh let the games begin....DING DING DING!!! Let's hpe shes come up with some new jokes for tonight!
I will be watching all my faves for their comments and will check in later.....
I will be watching all my faves for their comments and will check in later.....
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Now we know who really won!
This was the first time in my life I have ever looked forward to watching a political event. Yes, there have been moments along this election that have sparked my interest but this debate was an anticipated part of my day. It seemed to be swirling in the air all day as I journeyed throughout my work day and then into the evening. I was nervous in a weird way for Obama, would McCain use his manipulative ways to shine him in a poor light? Would he just keep lying? I wanted to be able to fact check all of his claims.(interesting piece about Factchecker as being a propaganda arm for Obama)
As it unfolded it was clear to me who the real candidate was and who the disgruntled politician was. McCain made several insinuations to Obama's "naievete" which came across as condescending and unbecoming of a president but very becoming of an outdated politician. With each rebuttal from Obama, McCain had this devilish grin that he couldn't hide if he had tried. His reactions made me uncomfortable in my seat, was he lying(again and again) or not just sure how to respond to Obama? I read my take on this debate in Politico which basically says that Obama really stood out on the main issues discussed. That all of McCain's tricks didn't work. I think the best lines from Obama were in regards to McCain supporting the war when he repetitively said"You were Wrong!"
After spending most of the weekend in exile at the Trinity Library only to resurface for food and more coffee I was able to catch Obama on Face the Nation where again I was impressed by his swagger! especially after being up all night focused on the bailout situation. I noticed he looked a bit tired and "less black" then Friday night at the debate. His makeup was a bit heavy handed...on purpose or not I am not sure...until I do a little research I will postpone any other comments on the debate until I become better informed because who am I to be commenting on this important historical moment!
As it unfolded it was clear to me who the real candidate was and who the disgruntled politician was. McCain made several insinuations to Obama's "naievete" which came across as condescending and unbecoming of a president but very becoming of an outdated politician. With each rebuttal from Obama, McCain had this devilish grin that he couldn't hide if he had tried. His reactions made me uncomfortable in my seat, was he lying(again and again) or not just sure how to respond to Obama? I read my take on this debate in Politico which basically says that Obama really stood out on the main issues discussed. That all of McCain's tricks didn't work. I think the best lines from Obama were in regards to McCain supporting the war when he repetitively said"You were Wrong!"
After spending most of the weekend in exile at the Trinity Library only to resurface for food and more coffee I was able to catch Obama on Face the Nation where again I was impressed by his swagger! especially after being up all night focused on the bailout situation. I noticed he looked a bit tired and "less black" then Friday night at the debate. His makeup was a bit heavy handed...on purpose or not I am not sure...until I do a little research I will postpone any other comments on the debate until I become better informed because who am I to be commenting on this important historical moment!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Purty stats page
Check this out for all the statistics across the U.S. even the states without a poll.
This is too funny...and the hits just keep on coming.I think I'll wait until tonight to come to any conclusions!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Just read...or do we read anymore? This article suggests a cognitive change which I have definitely experienced as of late, I am sure any college student can relate. To read Alexis DeToqueville's arduous text or surf exciting campaign developments...you choose! Anyways, this was a compelling argument that the shift is possibly not good when academics are saying they can no longer read novels they used to enjoy. I really don't have a choice, Alexis here I come!
Checked in on this blogger who has some interesting stuff!
Checked in on this blogger who has some interesting stuff!
Off with his head!!!
Recently I heard the discussion in class about the meme of McCain's temperament discussed. I heard it mentioned and just read a take on his reactionary actions in an oped piece in the WP.
just slightly, completely OUTRAGED!
Last night while watching one of favorite new shows,The Rachel Maddow Show, on MSNBC which follows my fave left wing McCain-basher Keith Olbermann, I was informed of some voting from McCain's illustrious past which had me disgusted, yet not surprised. He has followed in Bush's less then impressive footsteps but voting against SCHIP, HEADSTART and Equal Work/Equal Pay, as well as being against raising the minumum wage which he voted against 19 times! As you can only imagine his little female pinnochio follows suit on ALL these isses including the Equal Pay deal...are you kidding me? She also goes a bit further with Abortion issues, while McCain supports outlawing abortions except in cases of rape and incest, she wants abortions outlawed entirely. These issues above mentioned of course directly affect women, but how many women really know his voting record on these important issues????
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Need a laugh?

In such serious, troubling times our friends at jibjab have a great song and dance sure to cure you of the campaign blues! This is an interesting thought that we have not discussed, back in the old days cartooning was a way to express opinions with sarcasm and wit, it seems to be a dying art...unless its online...I think I will do some snooping...After extensive digging I was so surprised to see hardly any Palin toons...a ton of Hillary though. Here are a few.
Sarah!It is time for you to MAN UP!!!
Since Sarah seems to be consistently skirting the press...I think it is time for the press to make a call for action! She could be our president and McCain's camp doesn't trust anything unscripted or unrehearsed to a T to come from her lipsticked lips???This is also a very interesting article published today which discusses how single, divorced, widowed women comprise 26%of the vote.
Im a fan of anyone who is creative with there message...well that is as long as I agree with their position. Michael Moore will get your blood pumping thats for sure!Have a peek it is really good insight for the campaign now.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Race card
Reading an article on how McCain's new ad will use the race card prompted me to watch the commercial, here it is I see more of the Age card being played as well as a bit of bias going on considering the article is a Time article and they are big Obama supporters. I am sure by now we know Obama is black but the thing that caught my eye was how they intentionally showed two black men,one is Obama, and the only other person in ad is a very sad looking lil old lady....as if to say do you do rememeber he's black right? Subliminal messages will alway wreck havoc in our psyches...just glad I know how to spot unconscious racism! Recently found an interesting blog that poses some twists using race. One I have thought about was would a black man with 5 kids, including a prgnent teenager EVER be nominated as vice president of the U.S.????
Will Lehman Bros. be looking for a refund?
Found an interesting link in regards to $backershttp://www.opensecrets.org/pres08/contrib.php?cycle=2008&cid=N00009638( of the campaign....very interesting
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Spains in Latin America, ya know...
Wow! Just read a lil article about McCain's lil interview which entailed him uncovering a lil too much about how much he really doesn't know...but after asking my daughter where Spain is, it is plain to see, either McCain was smoking a lil something before this interview or he is a lil stupid!
In all seriousness I would like to think my president is SMARTER THEN A 5TH GRADER! in this case she's in 6th grade...oh yeah did I forget to mention that he also wants to just FIRE the SEC Chair to solve our $issues and get rid of the ol boys club when he gets into office. It makes me wonder what he considers himself?right now he is the president...of this club!!!!....goodness gracious good ol' johnyboy!
In all seriousness I would like to think my president is SMARTER THEN A 5TH GRADER! in this case she's in 6th grade...oh yeah did I forget to mention that he also wants to just FIRE the SEC Chair to solve our $issues and get rid of the ol boys club when he gets into office. It makes me wonder what he considers himself?right now he is the president...of this club!!!!....goodness gracious good ol' johnyboy!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
lies, truths and half truths
CNN had extensive details about the whole claims towards the lies being told by the McCain camp, Keeping them Honest discussed the misc. lies being told by the McCain crew. Even mentioning all the supposed trips to "foreign countries" which included a refuel in Ireland which she claimed to be a trip. It is going to get worse before it gets better...or are we seeing the worst right now? They also touched on the McCain interview on The View when he completely stretched the truth about her votes on earmarks...which is clearly NOT TRUE!!! The media is started to get angry so says one of the CNN analysts...good its about time!
Race, Age and Gender
Last night I watched CNN and caught some very interesting shows including one about Race, Age and Gender in the election which was right up my alley. With different panelists for different segments of the show it was quite informative and controversial. One panelist tried to convey she believed "gender was the new race" WHAT? no, no, no race is race and gender is gender and so can you be a racist and not a sexist? hmmmm I am thinking NO...anyways it seems like McCain has managed to pull a real fast one. It really seems like all they are talking about is this Naughty-Monkey- shoe-wearing-gun-slinging-bible-thumping-hot-chick! What happened to NoChildLeftBehind, violence in our schools and cities, healthcare...where oh where have the issues gone...where oh where could they be??? I watched Obama interviewed by that Fox (clear my throat) gentleman and all they talked about is the importance to keep the shield up in Poland and how many points he would spot him in a 1-on-1 bball game...are you kidding me Barack? Just read about how neither camp has touched on the taboo branded NCLB because of how poorly it has been implemented and tracked and frankly how crappy our kids still are performing. After listening to NPR earlier and listening to a man in Harlem who is leading a movement in inner city schools it is astounding what he lists as requirements for these schools...and they should get them. But it is sad to think what will happen to our education system if McCain comes into office...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Hurricane Sarah
Although I have not posted in a couple days I certainly have been following the media, how can you miss them? Just finished a couple articles on the WP. I am trying to be fair and read a couple from both camps. I just read a report on Palin's stint as mayor. Basically it sounds like she was voted into office, came through like a hurricane...or as she called it"cleaned up the good ol boys network"...disrupting many, many lives of these small town people-the supposed people she supports and comes from. She absolutely disgusts me. She is such a two-faced, hypocritical manipulative, maniacal madwoman.....deep breaths needed!
On the other hand I read that in response to the dire situation in TX that Obama's party cancelled their scheduled appearance for SNL...now some may say "so what" but this shows the type of gracious respect our country needs in comparison to the brash, in your face disrespectful politicking game the McCain camp is running. As the months turn into weeks and then into days this battle is going to get more and more emotional for so many Americans, it is sure to divide us more...it is very scarey to me
On the other hand I read that in response to the dire situation in TX that Obama's party cancelled their scheduled appearance for SNL...now some may say "so what" but this shows the type of gracious respect our country needs in comparison to the brash, in your face disrespectful politicking game the McCain camp is running. As the months turn into weeks and then into days this battle is going to get more and more emotional for so many Americans, it is sure to divide us more...it is very scarey to me
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
"HOT chick" trumps race
"Palin enjoyed more coverage as a VP candidate during the GOP convention than Obama did a week earlier when he became the first person of color to accept the nomination for president of a major party."So hot chickdoes trump 1st man of color!!! I am finding more and more information to really have an arsenal of agenda to aim at the "hot chick". This name alone makes my blood boil and I feel sorry for the 1st person I see wearing one...
I am enjoying the required reading and watching but unfortunately work keeps getting in my way...I have also quickly converted my eleven year old daughter into "a believer" also...caught her watching CNN without me in the room. But this is to no surprise considering her very 1st poem in her second week of school proudly displayed in the 6th grade hallway included mention of her "fears" one of them being "John McCain becoming president"!!!! Ding ding ding we have a winner ladies and gents! Gotta love her, like they say like mother, like daughter!
My goal tomorrow is to find more information on Obama instead of this sick obsession with the enemy. And yes, she feels like an enemy. She is threatening and intrusive like one at least! and scarier then most bad guys with guns in my opinion...she has the potential to have alot more power!!!!FIGHT THE POWERS THAT BE!!!!!
I am enjoying the required reading and watching but unfortunately work keeps getting in my way...I have also quickly converted my eleven year old daughter into "a believer" also...caught her watching CNN without me in the room. But this is to no surprise considering her very 1st poem in her second week of school proudly displayed in the 6th grade hallway included mention of her "fears" one of them being "John McCain becoming president"!!!! Ding ding ding we have a winner ladies and gents! Gotta love her, like they say like mother, like daughter!
My goal tomorrow is to find more information on Obama instead of this sick obsession with the enemy. And yes, she feels like an enemy. She is threatening and intrusive like one at least! and scarier then most bad guys with guns in my opinion...she has the potential to have alot more power!!!!FIGHT THE POWERS THAT BE!!!!!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
You can't be serious...am I obsessed already? I am supposed to be working but instead I have the t.v. running incessantly in the background(CNN) and I am creating my blog!! I am excited but fearful this will be an obsession similar to 99.9% of the population who check in on their Facebook and Myspace every other second!I have avoided being a blogger until now I guess its time to join the masses...
As far as the media is concerned I have one comment best put into words by the infamous words of Public Enemy...
I have my opinions and for now I am sticking to them...I will not be brainwashed by the media, nor will I let certain networks sway me to believe them. FOX as far as I am concerned, is the most racist, classist platform there is...but I am sure to be exposed to more supporters of the "hot chick"....
As far as what has shocked me today...commentary on the VMA's...hmmmm I am so glad there is freedom of speech or someone might be burning on the stake by now....Palin action figures...amazing. My plans are to try to watch as much of the interview of her tonight without having to jump of a cliff...until then....
As far as the media is concerned I have one comment best put into words by the infamous words of Public Enemy...
I have my opinions and for now I am sticking to them...I will not be brainwashed by the media, nor will I let certain networks sway me to believe them. FOX as far as I am concerned, is the most racist, classist platform there is...but I am sure to be exposed to more supporters of the "hot chick"....
As far as what has shocked me today...commentary on the VMA's...hmmmm I am so glad there is freedom of speech or someone might be burning on the stake by now....Palin action figures...amazing. My plans are to try to watch as much of the interview of her tonight without having to jump of a cliff...until then....
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